Do I Need Commercial Property Insurance for A Shared Office?
Posted: June 19, 2021

If you work in a shared office space, it is essential to ensure you are protected against specific risks. If your business operates out of a coworking space, a commercial property insurance policy brings added protections. The office furniture and equipment owned by your business will be expensive to replace if a fire or other disaster occurs. Your commercial property insurance policy covers the cost...
What Business Insurance Do I Need for Remote Employees?
Posted: February 4, 2021

Far more people are working from home now than ever before. In fact, working remotely has become the new normal as of 2020. This arrangement has many benefits for both employers and workers. But it is important for companies that now have remote employees to update their business insurance policies. Why Is It Critical to Update Your Business Insurance for Remote Employees? Employees who work...
Do I Need Commercial Property Insurance If I Work From Home?
Posted: October 4, 2020

If you run a business from your home, your homeowners insurance may not provide all the protection you need. Some homeowners insurance companies have denied claims that they determined to be related to business rather than a legitimate homeowner claim. Consult with our agent on whether you need commercial property insurance in addition to your homeowners policy. What Does Commercial Property Insurance Cover? Commercial property...
Common Benefits Of Commercial Property Insurance
Posted: August 4, 2020

Owning commercial property carries significant risks, which is one reason many businesses elect to lease rather than own. Fire, theft, and natural disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes can have a heavy financial impact. Commercial property insurance is designed to help mitigate the risk of owning commercial property. What Types Of Protection Does Commercial Property Insurance Provide? When a commercial property is leased or rented,...
Do I Need Specialty Disaster Insurance If I Already Have Commercial Property Insurance?
Posted: January 4, 2020

Every business needs commercial property insurance. It protects your building and property inside the building, as well as fences, outdoor signs, and other exterior fixtures. But if you live in a flood zone or an area prone to earthquakes or other natural disasters, commercial property insurance may not be enough. You may need to purchase additional specialty disaster insurance to provide the protection your business...